Technical and Philosophical Papers
This page provides access to technical and philosophical papers I have written which might
be of interest to others.
- Paper on representing translation
with matrix algebra (pdf)
A paper which develops and demonstrates handling problems involving
translation or offset with matrix algebra (normal matrix theory
deals only with transformations involving scaling or rotation)
- Paper on Jaynes' book "Probability
Theory: The Logic of Science", part A (pdf)
A paper proposing an alternate derivation of the "not" function in
section 2.2, "The sum rule". The paper remains valuable for its
identification of a symmetry requirement, but there are technical
problems in the later parts.
- Paper on Jaynes' book "Probability
Theory: The Logic of Science", part B (pdf)
Further development from the perspective defined in Part A. As far as I
know the proof offered here is correct, but it remains unsatisfying in
regard to "transparency".
- Epistemology and the Roots of War
A paper on the fundamental incompatibility between mysticism, including
religion, and rationalism (Science).
- Sharpening Occam's Razor
A paper in which the logical principle "Essences should not be
multiplied unnecessarily" is shown to be both sound and wise on
objective grounds.
- Derivation of Jaynes' Sum Rule
Functions and the Complex-ities of 'Not' (pdf)
A paper presenting a completely different approach to development of
the "not" functions derived in E. T. Jaynes' book on Bayesian
statistics, including generalizations to modal logics. The use of
differential equations is avoided entirely.
- On the Burden of Proof (pdf)
Is the demand "Prove it isn't so." rational? A paper on determining
who should bear the burden of proof at any stage of a discussion by
rational standards.
- Two Views of Emotions, Two Views of the World (pdf)
Do you use your emotions to determine what is true? Do other people use theirs the same way?
If they don't, whose method is right?
- The "Right" to One's Opinion (pdf)
Is there such thing as a "right" to one's opinion? Are there any restrictions or limits
on the "right" if it does exist? If so, why?
- Are Faith-Based and Proof-Based Knowledge Systems Compatible? (pdf)
Is there any inherent conflict between Mysticism and Science? Between canon and secular law? Can one accept both
and retain one's integrity and social reputation for intellectual honesty?
- Will World Economies Stabilize? (pdf)
The current world economic crisis is being countered with massive stimulus packages, a strategy possibly based on
fundamental economic arguments involving something called "negative feedback". But are these arguments sound? Engineers
have reason to believe it isn't that easy. See why here.
- The Faces and Masks of Prophecy (pdf)
Prophecy is widely practised by scientists, professional counselors, mystics, magicians and charlatans alike.
What problems lie behind attempts to foretell the future? How can one tell whether a soothsayer is credible?
What questions need to be asked?
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